Passenger In The Driver's Seat

Welcome to the ride of my life, as passengers in this vehicle of exeprience and wonders, as am i. Let us watch as the wheels turn and the road branches in ever more exciting ways. Welcome to my world, friend.
Not for the faint hearted =)

The Passenger Himself

Shaz here, well thats my name and im just another aspiring artist in a sea of painterly colleagues. A Love for Books and Art Defines me and a tendency to give a lasting impact etches me into your heart. Happy reading my friends!


friend + friend + friend + friend + friend + friend + friend +


Deviantart + Psdtuts + CGtalk + link + link + link + link + link +


January 2010


Talk FM

Road Radio

Music Playlist at


[ Fonts (c) DF]
[ Layout designed by fern*]

Saturday, January 2, 2010

A beginning

Laying off blogging eversince then, i couldn't explain the sudden urge to return. Maybe a way to type out words i barely speak? A release of thoughts trapped within, or just a sudden urge as urges tend to be, unexplainable. Like the title i suppose, i'll tell you my story, as i watch, a passenger in the driver's seat.
